Friday, September 21, 2012

Weeks 4-5 Sept.24-Oct 5

1.     Know and correctly use the terms:  Trophic Level, Consumer, Producer, Decomposer, Food Web, Niche, Invasive Species, Carrying Capacity, Biome
2.    Use concepts of feedback and carrying capacity to explain population growth patterns.
3.    Predict effects of invasive species on an ecosystem
4.    Describe multiple types of connections within an ecosystem:
Food webs,  Trophic levels, Predator-prey interactions.
5.    Describe steps in the water, nitrogen and carbon cycles, including multiple paths for carbon cycling.

Assignments in Notebook
1.  Duckweed Data Table
2.  Notes on Food Webs
3.  Food Webs, Populations and Invasive Species
4.  Population Size and Feedback
5.  Hmwk read 82-84.  Q (p84) 3-5 due Monday
6.  Notes on Biomes 7.Week 4-5 Review Worksheet   Finish as homework due Friday.