1. Explain what happens during the life cycle of a cell, including the phases of mitosis.
2. Explain why cells divide.
3. Explain how cell growth and division is controlled. (Why cancer is rare.)
Monday: Return work. Introduce chromosomes and mitosis. Watch film. Homework: Read pp 223-232. Define key vocabulary on handout.
Tuesday: Powerpoint on mitosis. Take notes. Homework: Two questions on handout.
Wednesday: Discuss cancer. Mitosis reinforcement activities, including http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/activities/cell_cycle/cell_cycle.html in the computer lab. Homework: Read 233-235. Answer questions 7-18 on page 239 and 1-6 on page 241.
Friday: Review and quiz.
Notebook contents:
1. Notes on film
2. Notes on cell cycle (handout)
3. Data Table from computer simulation
4. Questions from book